Engineering Journal
p-ISSN 1582-0246
e-ISSN 2065-4529
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Recent Journal is published annually in
three numbers, in March, July and
December |
- RECENT is a
journal featuring current
industrial engineering and industrial management
research or in fields directly related.
- RECENT is an independent
journal within the Transilvania
University of Brasov, Romania.
The RECENT Journal develops
a regional cooperation in Europe, while
maintaining a wide international openness.
- RECENT is acknowledged at
national level by the
CNCSIS (National Council for Scientific Research in Higher
Education) as a category B+ journal.
- RECENT Journal benefits
from the scientific support of the ARTN (Romanian
Association for Non-Conventional Technologies).
- Locally, the RECENT Journal
is supported by the Brasov County Council, by its Commission
for Culture, Education, Research and Cults.
- While ensuring thorough
reviewing of the received contributions, the RECENT Journal
publishes the eligible papers within a reasonable time
interval, thus preserving their up-to-date character.
- Dissemination at national
and international level of the results of scientific research in fields of industrial engineering like
machines manufacturing, machine-tools, manufacturing systems,
non-conventional technologies, industrial materials, industrial
economic engineering.
- Providing a flexible and efficient framework for communication
and collaboration of specialists in these fields from the
academic and industrial environment, from a wider regional and
over-regional geographic area, interested in developing
scientific links and promoting their own results by publishing
high-level scientific papers.
- Increasing the visibility and scientific relations within the national and international
academic and scientific community.
RECENT is an Open Access journal published under the terms of
Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.
All articles are
freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon
without subscription charges or registration barriers. Readers
are allowed to read,
download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full
texts of all articles.
Copyright for all articles published in RECENT is held
by individual authors.
Publication Fees. No article submission fees are charged. |
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RECENT is a Registered Mark of
Transilvania University of
Brasov, Romania
Journal type B+ according to the National University Research Council, Romania |