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Mariana DELIUICEEMS 2001 - un început » În organizarea Catedrei de Inginerie Economică şi Sisteme de Producţie a Universităţii “Transilvania“ din Braşov, s-a desfăşurat la 22-23 noiembrie prima ediţie a 'INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECONOMIC AND MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS', manifestare proiectată de organizatori ca bienală … Gavrilă CALEFARIU, Ştefan BUTUCEATHE DYNAMIC MODELING OF THE GEARS WITH THE REMOVAL OF THE SPACE » Abstract. This paper presents dynamic modeling and numerical results upon gears with the removal of the space, considering constant parameters of rigidity and without friction. It realized two models and a comparison between these. » Keywords: gears, dynamic modeling, removal of the space, comparison models Dumitru CATRINA, Ion TĂNASETHE EVOLUTION OF CUTTING CONDITIONS AT HIGH SLIDES SPEED OF N.C. MILLING MACHINES, OBTAINED BY MULTIPLICATION OF FEED PER REVOLUTION » Abstract. Reach of higher speeds represents a general trend in all industrial activities, obvious from transport to mechanical machining. The last decades, at numerically controlled machine tools, the speeds of slides have increased from 1¸1,5 m/min at the first generation, to 10¸12 m/min at today’s generation. Laboratory tests have already reached speeds from 30 up to 40 m/min even more at the slides of N.C. machine tools. The present paper approaches the probably evolution of cutting conditions at N.C. machine tools when the speeds of slides increase. » Keywords: cutting conditions, high speeds of slides Christian MARTENS, Bernd HILLERS, Axel GRÄSERENHANCEMENT OF ASSEMBLY PLANNING METHODS FOR THE USE OF INTELLIGENT TASK PLANNING IN SERVICE ROBOTS » Abstract. The development of service robots executing tasks on a high level of abstraction requires the integration of planning capabilities. These systems must be able to reason about their internal as well as about the current environmental state, in order to create a sequence of elementary executable operations. In this paper we present a domain dependent task planning approach that is based on an enhanced assembly planning method. The pre-integration of domain dependent knowledge will be encapsulated in AND/OR-Net data structures that are transformed into equivalent Petri Nets. The resulting high abstraction level Petri Net is decomposed into more fine-grained Petri Nets. A recursive-planning algorithm in conjunction with a world model will perform this. The planning on this level of abstraction produces a sequence of elementary sensor-based operations that can be executed by the system without running into deadlock situations or resource conflicts. All introduced methods related to this task planning approach are illustrated by means of the high level task “pour in a drink” that has to be processed by the rehabilitation robotic system FRIEND. » Keywords: Robotic Task Planning, Hierarchical Petri Nets, AND/OR-Nets, Rehabilitation Robotics Mihaela Ioana BARITZ, Ileana Constanţa ROŞCATHE IMPLICATIONS OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS » Abstract. In this paper a method for the treatment of radiological images by 3D graphic analyze is presented. This kind of application comes to help the radiologists and orthopedist to clarify and to make evident some aspects, which are invisible due to the recording characteristics of the phenomenon or of radiological support. By this method, it is possible to do precise differences between illnesses that could be more difficult to separate and to evaluate, to make approaches on the affected human parts or one can appreciate the trajectory of a complex fracture and to measure and to evaluate the deepness, the surface or the volume of bone tumors. » Keywords: image processing, x-rays images, medical diagnose, bones Ruxandra CIOARĂ, Romeo CIOARĂIMPROVED COMPACT DEVICE FOR PRECISION CUTTING BY COLD COMPRESSING » Abstract. Starting from a constructive solution for a compact device for precision cutting and considering known creativity techniques, the authors have conceived a new improved device. In the paper is presented the constructive solution of the new device, innovations, the functioning way and its advantages. » Keywords: precision cutting, device, invention Dana COLIBABĂINTERNET, AN ALMOST IDEAL SUPPORT FOR ADVERTISING » Abstract. This is not to say that online advertising plays no part, of course. It can be very important for many sites. Internet advertising is definitely coming into its own, experiencing a surge in 1997 that even surprised many in the online industry. At a June 1997 meeting of the Internet Advertising Bureau, whose members include many of the biggest sites and online advertisers, a membership poll said that online ad spending for the year would be in the range of $500-700 million, up from around $300 million in 1996. By the end of 1997, however, it appeared more likely that advertisers had spent close to $1 billion. And this in only the third year that any ad dollars had been spent on the Web at all! However, it is strategically important to understand where the real benefits of online advertising lie and how to use ads in harmony with the free media placement techniques. » Keywords: New Economy, informational society, Internet, network, advertising, efficiency Andreea DEACONESCUAPPLICATION OF THE “SIGNAL/NOISE” RATIO IN THE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A PRODUCTION PROCESS » Abstract. Production process quality is obtained by the minimisation of the deviations of the characteristic values, obtained in relation with an imposed target. This is achieved by the design of “robust” processes, which are not sensitive to the uncontrollable factors of the working environment. A quantification of the “robustness” of a production process can be obtained by computing the “signal/noise” ratio. This paper presents a computational method of the “signal/noise” ratio. » Keywords: process quality, “signal/noise” ratio, Taguchi methods. Răzvan Cătălin DOBREANEW APPROACH ABOUT THE DISTRIBUTION CONCEPT » Abstract. In specifically conditions of market economy, telemarketing may be considered a way of firm's human resources optimization and a way of obtaining a marketing result. Telemarketing offers multiple possibilities for active clients that are attracted by the advantages that result from the communication direct flux between firm and clients. In the present paper are presented the situations in that telemarketing is proper and the factors that determine the reliability and efficacy of a telemarketing operation. » Keywords: telemarketing, distribution, firms, clients Anca FORIŞEXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PRESSING MACHINE’S ACOUSTIC FIELD » Abstract. The main problem that appears in the use process of the pressing machines is there noise. So, the environment is harmless for the human operator and the workplace at these machines is a very stress one. The optimisation of this situation starts by the investigation of the acoustic field of the pressing machines and by identifies the assemblies that are noise generation. After that we can modify the construction of that assembly by reducing the noise propagation around. That is the purpose of the present paper. » Keywords: acoustic field, noise, noise propagation, mechanical presses Cătălin GHEORGHEHUMAN RESOURCES ANALYSIS AT A PROFIT CENTER OF ROMAN S.A. COMPANY » Abstract. The paper synthetically presents a part of an economic and financial study. The objective of this study is finding action directions for profit the activity of this company. In the paper is itemizing dynamic, structure, quality and efficiency human resources analysis. » Keywords: economic and financial analysis, human resources, measures, profitability, strategy Mihaela GÖNDÖRTHE PLACE OF MARKETING ACTIVITY IN THE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE: MARKETING DEPARTMENT » Abstract. The paper presents some important aspects of the company's marketing activity, like: The place of marketing activity in the organization structure; Marketing department organization; Tendencies of marketing activity organization and management. During this study the author insists on the relation between the companies and their environment and the management of this relation. » Keywords: marketing, management, organization structure Teodor MACHEDON, Elena MACHEDONAPPLICATION OF FORCED VIBRATIONS TO THERMAL CUTTING OPERATION » Abstract. The paper presents research regarding the application of forced vibrations to thermal cutting operation. From the presented researches it results that it may determine the parameters of forced vibrations. » Keywords: thermal flame cutting, vibration, rugosity Teodor MACHEDON, Mircea ŢIEREANDETERMINATION OF RESIDUAL STRESSES PRODUCED BY PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS IN WELDED JOINTS » Abstract. In the paper are presented research which has emphasized the influence of residual stress, has been done on subassemblies of bridges over the Danube. » Keywords: bridges, welding, residual stress Horia TÂRZIURELIEF GRINDING OF CREST’S CUTTING EDGE AND CUTTING TOOLS ADJUSTING USED FOR BEVEL GEAR IN CIRCULAR ARC » Abstract. In the paper is presented an original way for relief grinding of tools used for cutting bevel gear in circular arc. The method is advantageous because the diameter of tool is maintained after resharpening. Also, is presented a mathematical model that sustains this method. » Keywords: .cutting bevel gear in circular arc, relief grinding, resharpening