Numărul 7 al Revistei RECENT a fost:
Mihai IONESCU, Gheorghe BOANGIU, Mircea RACOVIŢĂLA STRUCTURE DE LIGNES AUTOMATIQUE ET ROBOTISER POUR L’USINAGE DES FORETS HÉLICOIDAUX AVANT DE L’OPERATION DE LAMINAGE (EXTRUSION) » Resumé. Dans l’ouvrage on presente la posibilité d’automatisation d’usinage des forets laminage (extrusion). La structure de la ligne proposce donduit a un augumentation de la rentabilité avec 20% minimum. » Mots clé: robotique, rentabilité Romeo CIOARĂCONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE CALCULUS OF MECHANICAL PRESSES’S COUPLINGS WITH PASTILLES » Abstract. The paper presents the functions of couplings with pastilles utilized on mechanical presses, the equations used for calculus, and the steps of establishing geometrical and functional parameters that describe these couplings, conceived as module-subassembly. » Keywords: couplings, mechanical presses, design Romeo-Mihai CIOBANUPROJECT MANAGER - A NEW PROFESSION NEEDED IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY » Abstract. The project manager is a new profession that have developed in the context of the information society. The complex changing processes that confront any company has developed new skills and abilities for managers of the stabile organizations (with stabile organization structure, valid for a long time). The project manager has a temporary role only for the time life cycle of the project and then he is re-involved in other projects or back at his organization function. That is the context of the present paper. » Keywords: project organization, project manager, skills and abilities for the project manager Anca FORIŞNEW APPROACHES OF THE PRESSING MACHINE’S ACOUSTIC FIELD » Abstract. The paper presents a new approach of the pressing machine’s acoustic field that can be realise by using a integrator sonometer. The parameter that we are interested for the measurement is the acoustic pressure level L[dB(A)] for eight points around the machine. For the pressing machine PMCP100 we have made a calculation example using the methodology that was describe. Finely, some eloquent conclusions have been elaborated using the results from an acoustic field research that was done for four pressing machines (one of them was a made in Czech Republic). » Keywords: pressing machine, noises, acoustic field analyse Aurel FRATU, Mariana FRATU, Laura RABROBOT ARM MOVEMENT’S GENERATION » Abstract. In this paper the authors put in discussion the problem of the control of motion at robot arm level. They will attack the problem of generating commands made for controlling the robot in case of pure movement along the desired path, that is definite in passing points. The information related with where the ending element is, can be used to calculate the values which assure the passing of the robot through them. Therese two theories - generating movement in the articular space and in the operating space - are still treated. » Keywords: robot, control of motion, generating movement, articular space, operating space Cătălin GHEORGHEGENERAL ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN ROMANIAN INDUSTRY » Abstract. In concept of sustainable development, environment conservation cannot be a thinking act achieved after economical decision. Timely production and. consuming. model can be changed through strategy implementations in Romanian industry. These actions are expensive but their omission could be more expensive. No sum of money can reconstruct plants and wildlife species lost. » Keywords: environment protection, sustainable development, economical decision Mihai IONESCUINSTALLATION DE COMMANDE ET D’ACTIONNAIRE POUR MANIPULATEUR DANS COORDONNÉE POLAIRES » Resumé. L’oeuvre illustre par des exemples la simplicité avec quelle est possible de résoudre des problémes de manipulation sur les pièces par l’intermède du structures avec d’action et de commandes hydraulique et pneumatique. » Mots clé: robotique, action, commande Mircea IVAN, Cristina IVANNEW CONCEPTS IN ENGINEERING » Abstract. The present paper is focused on some new engineering concepts that are used today by goods manufacturing companies as strategic instruments for conquering new markets. The reduction of the product life cycle, the growth of consumers’ exigencies and the reduction of costs recovering time and gaining profit time force the manufacturers to use new strategies. One of the strategic instrument is concurrent engineering, which generates the concept of design for manufacture and assembly and refreshed an older concept that is group technology On the basis of these concepts it was created a new flexible manufacturing system for processing a tractor parts family, which ensures the reduction of production costs and market time and significant quality increase. » Keywords: concurrent engineering, group technology, flexible manufacturing system, product life cycle, design for manufacturing Georgiana LIMBĂŞANMANAGEMENT DECISION: RESULT OF SCIENTIFIC FUNDAMENTATION AND MANAGERS’ EXPERIENCE » Abstract. Decision is the result of elaborate activities, to solving a problem of making a choose among several alternatives for the attainment of the purposed objective. Using specific methods and software tools, the manager will better understand the analysed phenomenon and he will give better solutions. Human intuition, experience and judgment, play an important part in the process of making a decision. » Keywords: making a decision, methods and software tools, human intuition Vladimir MĂRĂSCU-KLEINL’UTILISATION DE LA NITRURE DE SILICIUM DANS LA CONSTRUCTION DES ROULEMENTS » Résumée: Les obligations functionnelles concernant la précision et la durabilité des roulements détermine l’utilisation des matériaux industriel avec performance supérieures: acier allié, carbure de tungstène, oxyde de aluminium et céramique. Céramique technique a une petite densité, une grande duréte et des performances thermiques très bonnes. » Mots clé: nitrure de silicium, roulements Mihaela POPESCU, Badea LEPĂDĂTESCUFLEXIBLE EQUIPMENT FOR SUPERFINISHING EXTERNAL SURFACES OF TOOTHED GEAR HUBS » Abstract. The toothed gears of the truck transmission mechanism are mounted on the bearing shell on the surface with a very high quality, Ra = 0.2 μm. All these parts have two cylindrical symmetrical surfaces with a large of length and diameter. The paper presents a constructive solution for a superfinishing device to process external surfaces of the toothed gear hubs, with two abrasive stones that work simultaneously. This device was mounted on the grinding machine and can be used for all range of these parts. » Keywords: high quality surfaces, superfinishing device, toothed gear Nicoleta RACHIERUREENGINEERING OF TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOR RE-ORGANISATION » Abstract. The work presents points of view regarding the technical –economic systems re-organization necessity in the context of the existence of deep mutation on technical, economic and social plan. The adaptation of some organizatorical structures having as main characteristic the flexibility, represents a primordial necessity for survival. Of the existent solutions, the theoretical model of Hammer and Champy, named the parents of reengineering, shortly presented in the work, is the result of the analyse of the achievements of some companies that have spectacularly increased their performances, is a new way of working, a total change even of the organizational culture of the company and, last but not least an answer to the question ”What has to be done for existing in the future ?” » Key words: flex –company, process, case worker, team case Flavius Aurelian SÂRBU, Mircea Dumitru IVAN, Roberto TEMURA NEW PC CONTROLLED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR COMPLEX SURFACE PROCESSING BY ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING » Abstract. This paper approaches the matter of the PC Controlling Management System for Complex surface Processing through ECM, by creating a mathematical model; in this way we are trying to solve at least three major problems specific to this machining process, concerning measurement of the gap during, the whole machining process, identification of the working gap value and increasing dimensional accuracy. » Keywords: electrochemical machining, tool electrode, conductivity of the electrolyte solution, frontal gap s90, mathematical model