Numărul 9 al Revistei RECENT a fost:
Victor BENCHE, Angel HUMINIC, Gabriela HUMINICNew aspects concerning the energetical optimization of hydraulic drives » Abstract. The paper presents new considerations concerning the choosing of hydraulic components and ducts dimensioning for the hydraulic drives, from energetically point of view. Also, the negative consequences of the deviation from indicated parameters are presented. » Keywords: hydraulic drive, hydraulic energy, hydraulic resistance, efficiency, nominal inner diameter Romeo CIOARĂCONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE CALCULUS, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF COUPLINGS WITH CONIC SURFACES, USED TO MECHANICAL PRESSES » Abstract. The paper presents the functions and construction of couplings with conic surfaces, used on mechanical presses, the equations used for calculus, and the steps of establishing geometrical and functional parameters that describe these couplings, conceived as module-subassembly. » Keywords: couplings, mechanical presses, design Oana DODUN, Gheorghe NAGÎŢ, Margareta COTEAŢĂ, Laurenţiu SLĂTINEANUSome researches in the field of non-traditional machnining methods achieved in the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies of the "Gh. Asachi" Technical University » Abstract. The paper presents some results of the theoretical and experimental researches directed to the aspects characterizing the electrochemical polishing and respectively the wire electrical discharge machining. These researches were achieved in the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Technologies of the ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi. » Keywords: nontraditional technologies, electrochemical polishing, wire electrical discharge machining Mariana FRATUTHE PLACING AND POSITIONING OF THE UNDERGROUND PIPES AND OF THE FLUID FUELS LEAKAGES FROM THE PIPES, THROUGH ELECTRICAL METHODS » Abstract. The permanent knowledge of the distribution pipes path of the gas and liquid fuels, their drawing on underground or air trajectories of the path makes possible the optimisation of the transport and distribution process of, which depends on the extremely different needs of the consumers. In order to meet the increasing current demands of fuel and the higher expectations of consumers, with regard to the distribution variety, we are currently confronted with the creation of some “regional departments” for automatic surveillance of the non-electric degrees measuring, determined by gas and liquid fuels. In this article, the author introduced new elements, necessary to the automatic surveillance of the paths and to the identification process of the fluids in the pipes. » Keywords: gas and liquid fuels, automatic surveillance, non-electric degrees measuring Cătălin GHEORGHEFINANCIAL DECISION REGARDING INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES » Abstract. Financial side of economic activity represents the main dimension for enterprise existence and development. In this context, financial activity becomes an active factor in substantiation process for economic decisions. The medium problems are one of actual owing to implications in economic, political and social plan. On this basis is enforcing the financial decision design regarding environmental protection. This means the cost and finance identification regarding remaking and environmental protection for forming a medium budget incorporate in enterprise budget system. » Keywords: financial decision, environment protection, budget system Daniel GHICULESCU, Daniela GHICULESCUASPECTS CONCERNING FINISHING CONVEX PROFILED SHAPES THROUGH ELECTRODISCHARGE MACHINING AIDED BY ULTRASONIC VIBRATIONS » Abstract. The paper deals with aspects concerning machining of different kind of convex profiled shapes comparatively, through electrodischarge (EDM) machining finishing aided by ultrasonic (US) longitudinal vibrations of electrode and classic EDM finishing. Using the finite elements method, the material removal process was simulated. The results obtained provided technological solutions to achieve the required accuracy conditions. » Keywords: electrodischarge machining, ultrasonics, finite elements method Camelia MARINESCU, Niculae-Ion MARINESCU, Zefir LAZAROFGENERAL ASPECTS CONCERNING THE MANUFACTURING (PROCESSING) WITH MICROWAVES » Abstract. Implementation of technological processes with microwaves needs developed economical analysis due mainly, to great costs of capital. Therefore, the paper presents information necessary to this analysis, pointing out advantages and disadvantages and also future using of these technologies on industrial level. » Keywords: microwaves, economical analysis, costs, future using Niculae-Ion MARINESCU, Zefir LAZAROF, Camelia MARINESCUGENERAL ASPECTS CONCERNING THE PIERCING (DRILLING) WITH MICROWAVES OF ADVANCED MATERIALS » Abstract. The more frequent using of new materials with special properties (ceramics, composites etc.) imposes development of researches concerning defining new technologies of machining these materials. In these conditions, the paper emphasizes some aspects regarding microwaves using at machining of materials like glass and aluminum oxide type. » Keywords: new materials, advanced technologies, microwaves Radu Dumitru MARINESCU, Niculae Ion MARINESCU, Iuliana GRECUMANAGEMENT TACTICS AND STRATEGIES REGARDING MANUFACTURING PREPARATION IN UNCONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES » Abstract. Introducing of unconventional technologies on market needs to adopt specific tactics and strategies due to the fact that clients pay the product value only if it corresponds his own interests. From the point of view of managerial tactics presented in the paper, these will be stated at introducing and also at development of unconventional technologies in stages of constructive and technological preparation of manufacturing. » Keywords: unconventional technologies, management, tactics Ionel MARTINESCURESEARCHES ON THE HYDROMECANIC WIDENING OF BLANK TUBES WITH THICK WALLS » Abstract. The paper presents a method for processing by cold widening, with a special die, of blank tubes with thick walls having the report between the wall thickness and the inner diameter greater than 0.2. There is analysed the structure of the technological system and are presented the experimental results when using aluminum blanks. » Keywords: blank tube, special die, pressure, force D. MUNTEANU, F. VAZ, R. COZMA, A. MUNTEANU, S. BOBANCUTHE INFLUENCE OF DEPOSITION BIAS VOLTAGE ON SOME TRIBOLOGICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TiN THIN FILMS » Abstract. The present paper reports on the influence of preparation conditions such as r.f. power applied at the Ti target and bias voltage, on the mechanical properties of TiN thin films deposited by r.f. reactive magnetron sputtering. The ion bombardment was obtained by DC biasing of the substrates in the range of 0 (grounded) to -90V. Mechanical properties such as the static friction coefficient, the wear behaviour and residual stresses have been characterised and discussed as a function of the deposition parameters. Regarding the friction properties the minimum values for static friction coefficient were obtained for TiN prepared at 0V bias voltage. All the coatings presented a high wear resistance. Nevertheless, the best results have been obtained for the coatings characterised by a medium - little friction coefficient value, a maximum compressive residual stress level and high negative bias voltage value. » Keywords: TiN, sputtering, bias-voltage, friction, wear, residual stresses Sorin PATER, Nicolae POLOJINŢEF-CORBU, Constantin BUNGĂUDUAL CHANNELS FLAW DIAGNOSIS OF GEARBOXES » Abstract. Paper presents double analysis of signals utilized for gearbox diagnosis. Cepstrum analysis was used in the purpose of flaw detection, by vibrations. » Keywords: gearbox, cepstrum, vibration, frequency Marian PEARSICĂMETHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF THE THERMAL FIELD AT INTERACTION BETWEEN THE POWER LASER RADIATION AND THE SUBSTANCE » Abstract. The materials processing with laser beam, technological account, the thermal induced effects by laser irradiation in the industrial material (heating, melting, vaporization, thermal decomposition, and erosion). The destruction of the crystalline network of the material and its bringing in the vaporization state, along the pre-established curve, is done by the energy of photons created inside the material, and also by the jet of the active gas (O2). This active gas contributes to the intensifying of the material destroying action due to the exothermal reactions this one provides. The time evolution of the distribution of the temperature into a system is strictly related to the appearance of the heat flux from the hottest regions to the coldest ones. When high temperatures occur at the surface in some practical cases, one must take into account the loss of the energy through radiation that could become significant. » Keywords: power laser, thermic field, interaction Nicolae POLOJINŢEF-CORBU, Sorin PATER, Constantin BUNGĂUAUTOMATIC DEVICE FOR ROLLER BURNISHING » Abstract. In the paper are presented the construction of an automatic device, assisted by computer, for roller burnishing. This device is monitoring all technological parameters of process. » Keywords: roller burnishing, computer assisted, device Veneţia SANDUSUBSTITUTION OF FOSSIL FUELS WITH BIOFUELS AT AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL ENGINES » Abstract. The use of biofuels in automotive engines instead of fossil fuels demonstrates many advantages, mainly in energy security, economic growth and environmental sustainability. For diesel engines, proven renewable fuels are vegetable oils and their methylesters. The paper deals with the technical aspects associated to combustion, performance, emissions as well as economic impact of these alternative fuels, compared to fossil fuels. There are detailed some project activities initiated at Road Vehicle Institute Brasov in order to promote the use of rapeseed methyesters in conventional diesel engines. » Keywords: renewable energy, biofuels, vegetable oils Horia TÂRZIUPERSONALIZING OF THE AUTOCAD PROGRAM FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF THE DOUBLE ORTHOGONAL PROJECTIONS » Abstract. One of the most important steps in the technologic process is the design (assisted by the computer), in particular the representation of some blocks in double orthogonal projection. By means of AutoLISP language, the AutoCAD program can be adapted to the solving of such representation. The paper presents the determination of the plane's traces, the crossing between a line and the plane, the crossing of two planes, of some plane sections trough pyramidal or prismatic surfaces, possibilities of determining some polyhedrons crossings by adapting the AutoCAD program using AutoLISP language. The paper contains the representations in double orthogonal projection of the crossings mentioned obtained by means of some programs designed for this purpose. » Keywords: double orthogonal projection, plane section, AutoLISP application Marian TUDORACHE, Petru MĂNIUŢTHE MARKING APPLIANCE FOLLOWING TWO COORDINATES OF THE METALLIC PIECES » Abstract. The present paper describes an inscription method by means of an unconventional proceeding, namely the marking trough electric discharges. This proceeding is applied to the metallic pieces, which have a good electric conductivity. The electric discharges are being produced when the electric contact between two electrodes breaks off: a wolfram tip (anode) and the metallic surface for inscription (cathode). The paper is structured in parts which describe the power supply of the electrodes, the port-electrode device, the device for marking, the command scheme of the installation for inscription as well as a leading and order algorithm of the inscription process. » Keywords: marking, electro discharge