Numărul 10 al Revistei RECENT a fost:
Mircea IVAN, Gheorghe OBACIU, Gligor RUSAN, Petru MANIUŢ, Ion CRISTIAN, Tudor DEACONESCU, Roberto TEMUR, Flavius SÂRBU, Ioan ILIESCUCONTRIBUTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (EESP) TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTROCHEMICAL MACHINING TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT » Abstract. The paper presents the main contributions brought by a team from the EEPS Department over a 40 year period of research in electrochemical machining (ECM). These include the obtaining of fundamental relationships for the computation of machining precision, establishing the field of temperature and pressure in the working gap, establishing the forces generated during machining. These contributions represented the basis for the development of new efficient technologies for the machining of face and complex surfaces, as well as new equipment, which allowed the construction of complex electrochemical machining and deburring machines. » Keywords: electrochemical machining, machining precision, field of temperature and pressure, working gap, forces Semnal RECENTICEEMS 2003 – O NOUĂ REUŞITĂ » A doua ediţie a “International Conference on Economic Engineering and Manufacturing Systems” s-a desfăşurat în zilele de 23-24 octombrie, la Universitatea “Transilvania” din Braşov, în organizarea Catedrei de Inginerie Economică şi Sisteme de Producţie şi a Centrului de Cercetare pentru Maşini şi Sisteme de Producţie din Facultatea de Inginerie Tehnologică. Aşa cum au făcut-o şi în urmă cu doi ani, organizatorii conferinţei încearcă să relateze succint acest eveniment pentru cititorii revistei RECENT şi folosesc acest prilej pentru a sublinia progresele înregistrate faţă de ediţia anterioară, care îndreptăţesc speranţele constituirii tradiţiei bienale a acestei manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale. Adriana BĂLĂCESCU, Constantin BUZATUA NEW THEORETICAL MODEL FOR THE SUPERFINISHING PROCESS » Abstract. The experimental goals acquired in previous researches had scientifically proved a new theoretical model for thesuperfinishing process which gives a better explanation of the cutting process, with a significant different role. » Keywords: superfinishing, cutting fluid, abrasive grain, microgeometry Victor BENCHE, Virgil-Barbu UNGUREANUNEW DEFINITIONS AND FLUID-ENERGETIC CORRELATIONS » Abstract. Starting from the Euler-D'Alembert physical stream tube image, on dwell upon the real fluid flow from an energetically point of view, proposing the notion of energetic section (energetic halo), a spatially energetic draught. On define indicators and obtain relevant correlations. On particularise for the energetic fluids transport through forced flow pipes and for effluent flows. The energetic estimation of the real fluid flow through pipes, apparatus, installations sustained by the actual study can suggest actions to optimise in the design or working phase, exemplifying by tree numerical technical applications. » Keywords: fluids transport, effluent flows, stream tube Andrea DEACONESCUAUTOMATIC ESTABLISHING OF THE WORKING PARAMETERS IN SURFACE LAPPING » Abstract. Computation of the technical time norm, of the elements of the cutting process mode and of the erosion parameters during lapping is highly time consuming. This inconvenience was addressed by the development of a computer software designed to automate these calculations. The paper presents an original software called NormMaster, which in Wizard type format guides the technological process designing engineer and/or the operator in selecting optimum solutions. » Keywords: lapping, automated technological process design, cutting mode Karl FEHRINGERIN 85 TAGEN ,"FAST" UM DIE WELT » Ing. Johann Gutmann, geboren 1948, durfte als zwölfjähriges Kind einen Rundflug mit seinem Firmpaten mit machen. Er war zu klein um aus dem Fenster der Cessna 182 hinaus sehen zu können, so waren es die Handlungen des Piloten und die vielen Instrumente, die ihn begeisterten. Da entstand sein erster Wunsch, ein Flugzeug selbst zu steuern und damit um die Welt zu fliegen. Später kam der zweite Traum, nämlich selbst ein Flugzeug zu bauen ... Cătălin GHEORGHEMATERIALS CONSUMPTION IMPACT OVER ENVIRONMENT POLITICS » Abstract. Despite advances in environmental management in the recent past, products today need to take more action and responsibility in order to ensure for a healthy and sustainable future. In addition to taking more action, the type of action taken must also be carefully considered. However, a few environmentally conscious products have developed new sustainable concepts and practices that have had a significant impact on the environment, emphasizing the principles of maximum value and minimum resources. Such concepts and practices include eco-efficiency, extended product responsibility, design for the environment, product stewardship, product services, and by-product synergy. Each of these concepts has developed into well-respected and successful programs in various businesses, and is influencing those businesses whose commitment simply involves complying with environmental regulations. In order to ensure for a more sustainable way of living, businesses must go above and beyond regulations in order to reduce the environmental impact of their products and services, for which they are responsible. Each member of the product chain must also share in this responsibility. » Keywords: environment, materials, sustainable, technology, eco-efficiency Simona LACHEMAIN ISSUES IN DESIGNING MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES WITHIN FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS » Abstract. The present trends regarding manufacturing in small size batches and high flexibility regarding the manufacturing part types require new strategies and methods in designing material transportation systems. One of the most suitable category fulfilling theses requirements is represented by the autonomous vehicles, which are intelligent systems able to plan and execute a given task, based on a working plan. This paper discusses the main issues the design of an autonomous vehicle involves, such as the sensorial system, global planning and monitoring process, path planning and navigation. Last but not least, the paper presents the new facility of remote control of autonomous vehicle via Internet. » Keywords: autonomous vehicle, navigation, sensor system, remote control via Internet Doina MARINARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS IN MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS » Abstract. This paper discusses current trends in applications of intelligent computing tools to manufacturing and reviews the motivation and basis for the utilization of these systems. The topics of the paper were confined to three main issues of manufacturing systems: design, planning and production. A discussion about intelligent manufacturing systems from these three basic functional viewpoints was introduced and a number of significant research issues and applications were illustrated. » Keywords: manufacturing system, artificial intelligence Vladimir MĂRĂSCU KLEINRECYCLING AND DISPOSAL OF INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS » Abstract. Machine elements are lubricated by interposing and maintaining, between moving surfaces, films that minimize actual contact between the surfaces-films that shear easily, so that the frictional force opposing motion of the surfaces is low. The recycling of metalworking fluids is a topic that has commanded increasing interest in recent years, spurred by the impact of more stringent local, state, and European environmental regulations and the increasing cost of oil. Today, manufacturers are faced with increasingly complex fluid recycling and disposal problems. » Key words: lubricants, recycling, disposal Daniel MUNTEANUCONSIDERATIONS REGARDING SOME HEAT TREATMENTS APPLIED OF TITANIUM ALLOYS (1st PART) » Abstract. Lightweight materials constitute the backbone of the competitive advantage of modern aerospace structures. These materials are important because they enable achievement of high performance under a variety of operating conditions. The selection of materials and of material conditions for lightweight structures is typically a problem bounded by multiple constrains, requiring a detailed understanding of all the materials characteristics and all aspects of mechanical behaviour. The current material choices available to the designers of high performance structures include high strength steel or aluminium alloys, polymer matrix composites and titanium alloys. The main objective of this paper include a general description of the characteristics of Ti alloys and the possibilities to heat treating them in order to affect their mechanical behaviour which can dictate the optimal conditions under which they can be efficiently used. » Keywords: titanium alloys, heat treatment, mechanical properties Adrian NEAGUSTAINLESS STEEL W1. 4006 (X10Cr13) FORGING WORKABILITY TESTING » Abstract. A part of the forging workability tests are not standardized because they are not currently used in the practice. The information these tests offers are important to establish the forging capacity for some metallic materials in concrete working conditions. In this paper are presented the results of the forging workability test for the W1.4006(X10Cr13) stainless steel having recrystalization structure, during a thermo mechanical treatment consists of a nonisothermical upsetting and oil cooling, for a large range of strain rates. The forging workability estimate was achieved by metallographic research on the Neoplat 21 metallographic microscope at diverse sizes (X400, 500, 1000). » Keywords: plastic deformation, forging, forging workability, nonisothermical upsetting, stainless steel George NICOLAE, Adrian Virgil CRĂCIUNMAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EM FIELD GENERATED BY THE RADIO BROADCASTING SERVICE IN BRAŞOV CITY AREA » Abstract. This paper presents the results of electromagnetic field measurements of radio and terrestrial television transmitters in Braşov city area. The measurements were focused on investigating the RF electromagnetic field spectrum and field strength spatial variation in the metropolitan - area. Measurement campaign was concentrated onto determining the characteristics of the electromagnetic field of terrestrial radio and TV broadcasting service transmitters from a frequency range between 40 MHz to 1000 MHz. » Keywords: electromagnetic field, spectrum management, electromagnetic compatibility, radio-frequency spectrum, broadcasting service Mircea NIŢULESCU, Adrian MARICA, Magdalena NASTASIARESISTANCE ANALYSIS IN CATIA V5 PERFORMED ON A SHAFT-SUPPORT ASSEMBLY » Abstract. The paper presents a way to perform a resistance analysis on a simple work piece and on an assembly in a modern CAD environment. The paper underlines the ease to work and to obtain very useful results for the design work. The paper shows the way to perform a static and a frequency case, on a work piece and on an assembly, how to compute the results, how to view the results and how to underline the weak points for both the piece and the assembly. » Keywords: CAD, FEM, static case, frequency case Mihaela POPESCU, Constantin BUZATUCONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE EVOLUTION AND THE CURRENT STAGE OF THE RESEARCHES IN THE FIELD OF MONITORING THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS PERFORMANCES » Abstract. The paper presents considerations concerning the most important moments of the evolution of the statistical control of the processes, analyzing the current stage of the researches in this field of a large present interest and theoretical and practical importance. » Keywords: technological processes, quality, process statistical control, control charts Florin Victor STROE, Iulian Ioan ZAHARIA, Virgil GEAMĂNSTUDY CONCERNING THE MICROFORMING OF METALLIC MATERIALS » Abstract. This paper presents some basic notions about one of the alternative technologies, which is desired to be implemented on an industrial scale – microforming of metallic materials. Microforming is developed as an efficient alternative technology for manufacturing microcomponents which would keep their functionality in the structures they make part of. » Keywords: microforming, nanomaterials, microtechnology, microstructure, unconventional technologies