This issue of the RECENT® journal was edited and multiplied with support of:
A Practical Approach to Management, Low Costs or Quality » Abstract Nowadays there are private companies that have a timely and efficient logistics organization, but nevertheless can not speak of the actual organizational structure of logistics in these companies. This is explained by the absence of successful logistics strategy and an appropriate organizational culture in Romanian companies. To increase the quality of products and services should start from improving the quality of raw materials and intermediate goods. Cooperation between the manufacturer and its suppliers can contribute to this goal. On the other hand, cooperation between a manufacturer and its customers can improve product and service quality to the customer (especially if the client is the main actor in the production process). Customers provide feedback on what they want. Without this information, producers should produce, but will not know if the products meet market needs and whether the products will be sold. Thus, we have access to accurate, real-time movement of products within the company (knowing at any moment the stage is a product or raw material) but also the production-distribution-sales flow. » Keywords economy, efficiency, methods to reduce costs, product quality, cost reduction indicators
Tantalum Based Thin Films Preparation, Structures and Properties » Abstract Tantalum based thin solid films have found increased applicability in a wide range of fields, in particular in microelectronic devices, due to their superior properties, caused mainly by their main component and its respective behaviour: good wear and corrosion resistance, high melting temperature, high ductility, chemical inertness and temperature dependant stable electrical resistivity. This paper intends to present a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art research dealing with tantalum, tantalum oxide, tantalum nitride and tantalum oxynitride thin solid film systems, describing some of the usual preparation methods and what parameters might be important to the structural development, followed by a discussion regarding the structures that one might encounter while dealing with these types of thin solid films and presenting some applications. » Keywords tantalum, thin film, structure, preparation
Empirical Models of Relationship Characteristics for Assessing Inter-Organizational Relationships in Supply Chains » Abstract One of the main trends of companies’ development is to focus on their core competencies. This increases the significance of well functioned relationships between buyers and sellers. This implies that buying and selling activities become more connected with the relationship management. The aim of this paper is to present some empirical models of relationship parameters that can be used successfully in the study of inter-organizational exchange and buyer-supplier relationships. The model of relationship constructs for distributor and manufacturer firms is based on the study of marketing-channels. Its research aim is to build a distributor and a manufacturer partnership model. The developed model is not positioned among other types of inter-organizational relationships. The principal objective of the IMP interaction model is to measure the relationship characteristics as exchange, co-operation and adaptation. The results suggest that information exchange and social exchange lead to co-operation as well as that co-operation between buyers and sellers acts upon their willingness to make adaptations. The model of relationship constructs assesses relationships from the perspective of relationship marketing. The model of relational orientation was developed based on study aimed at identifying the impact of relational orientation in buyer-supplier relationships in increased purchased-product quality. The results suggest that relational orientation is positively related to purchased-product quality. The results of studies on the inter-organization relationships between different relationship constructs have hardly reached an oneness. Some researchers argue that trust leads to communication, while others have pointed that communication leads to trust. Some authors claim that co-operation is the causal antecedent of trust, whereas others accept that commitment and trust are the prerequisites of co-operation. Similarly for some, trust and commitment are the key factors for working relationships, while others emphasize dependence and do not recognize commitment as a key variable. » Keywords buyer-supplier relationship, relationship parameters, inter-organizational relationships
The Diagnosis of the Cutting Tool Edge Break and the Prognosis of Cutting » Abstract The purpose of the paper is to present a modality of prognosis of the cutting process and methods of diagnosis of the break of the cutting tool edge. The prognosis of the cutting process was done using the cutting thermocurrent, and the diagnosis of the catastrophic wear was done using both the measuring of the cutting thermocurrent and the measuring of the vibrations. In the case of the diagnosis of the catastrophic wear it was done the comparison between the two methods. » Keywords prognosis, diagnosis, cutting, electric thermocurrent, turning, wear
Robot Collision Avoidance Using Programming through Imitation » Abstract This paper deals with the collision avoidance of the cooperative robots using the programming through imitation. Each physical robot acts fully independently, communicating with corresponding virtual prototype and imitating her behaviour. Each physical robot reproduces the motion of her virtual prototype. The estimation of the collision-free actions of the virtual cooperative robots and the transfer of the virtual joint trajectories to the physical robots who imitate there virtual prototypes, are the original ideas. We tested the present strategy on several simulation scenarios, involving two virtual robots and estimating collision-free actions, during of the cooperative tasks. » Keywords cooperative robots, collision avoidance, motion imitation, estimated path
Design Process for Virtual Intelligent Buildings » Abstract This paper is focused on the various virtual architectures of the intelligent buildings. Building designers face exciting new challenges in incorporating new and innovative technologies in designing an efficient integrated intelligent building in areas of the building structure and its mechanical and electrical systems. The innovative design technologies would need to ensure that the end users achieve the utilization of its abilities in optimization of the projects. Creating an intelligent building does require an investment in advanced technology, processes and solutions. An ingenuous investment is required to realize a significant return later on. It is unrealistic to expect to make a project intelligent unless there is early acquisition in on investment. Over, these decisions need to happen prior to the start of design work. One of the challenges is to educate owners on the benefits of an intelligent building design. This makes the education of both owners and architects about the benefits of intelligent solutions for success. » Keywords innovative design process, future building, intelligent building, virtual building
A Generalized Newton-Euler Algorithm for Dynamic Simulation of Robot-Manipulators with Revolute Joints » Abstract This article describes a procedure used to compose a set of second order differential equations in order to simulate dynamics of a multi-body manipulator's arm with revolution joints. The procedure is based on d'Alambert's principle and Newton-Euler equations, and considers each of the manipulator’s links as in equilibrium under a multitude of inertial, gravitational and driving forces in the process of its spatial motion. The method is straightforward and is based on the repeatability of mathematical operations. The derived set of differential equation are easy to program and could be integrated using standard routines. They also can be used to solve forward, as well as reverse dynamic problems. The algorithm is verified by comparative studies using well known simulation packages as well as experimental data. It can be very successfully applied on the stage of design when not all dynamic parameters of the new device are sufficiently known. » Keywords dynamic simulation, algorithm, Newton-Euler, robots, revolute joints
About the Independent Sets of Periodically Meshing Teeth in Gear Drives - Part II » Abstract This article relies on the concept of independent sets of meshing teeth, which affect numerous performance parameters of gear drives. The influence of these contact sets on the noise- and vibration activity, as well as their effect on the reliability and longevity of power gear drives are taken into consideration. Conclusions are made regarding the application of the above concept to the construction design of various gear drives. » Keywords independent sets of meshing teeth, power gear drives, performance parameters of gear drives
Selection of the Proper Layout of Manufacturing Lines » Abstract A model is proposed which helps select the type of layout - circular or linear, for deploying technology machines. Based on the coefficient of volumetric efficiency, the proposed model is solved using the software package MATLAB and could assist in selecting logistic and technological machines to obtain the minimum total cost. » Keywords logistic modelling, design, placement of objects, layout, technological chain
Research on X 42 and X 52 Steel Weldability by MAG-STT Procedure » Abstract This paper presents research into the use of MIG-MAG welding in STT version (surface tension transfer) in the welding of root layers. The aim for researching this aspect is to increase the range of applications of the STT variant of the process. The research consisted in welding two steels, X 42 and X 52, widely used in the construction of oil fluid carrier pipelines. Each material was root welded by a different procedure. Steel X 42 was manually metal-arc root welded and root X 52 was root welded by MAG - STT. Subsequently filling layers were manually metal-arc welded to both materials. Result assessment of the completed mechanical tests showed that the samples extracted from the MAG - STT root welded specimens displayed superior mechanical properties to those manually metal-arc roots welded. Root layers were welded by means of "INVERTEC STT II" equipment made by Lincoln, and the filling layers were deposited by means of covered electrode simple manual welding equipment. The study is useful in that it certifies the applicability with good results of the discussed process in pipeline welding and also sets the groundwork for research on the welding of fittings (valves) on pipelines. » Keywords pipelines, gas welding protective environment MIG / MAG - STT, mechanical tests, fittings for pipelines
An Approach to Determining the Competitiveness of Logistics Equipment » Abstract An approach for determining the competitiveness of logistics material handling machines is proposed. It consists of seven stages, including The Emotional model and forecasting of three types of parameters - quantitative, qualitative and relative. The approach is then tested by determining the competitiveness of forklift-trucks. » Keywords logistics, forecasting, competitiveness, logistical equipment, emotional model
About the Independent Sets of Periodically Meshing Teeth in Gear Drives - Part I » Abstract This article provides a detailed study in regard to the independent sets of teeth of engaged gear wheels that periodically come into mesh during the operation of a gear drive. Taken into consideration is the importance of a proper choice of the teeth number of gear wheels, and a methodology for calculating the teeth number in power gear drives in terms of optimal operation is proposed. Further the paper discusses the influence of independent sets of meshing teeth on the strength and performance parameters of gear drives. » Keywords gear transmissions, independent sets of meshing teeth, teeth number choice in power gear drives
Approach of Assessment the Necessity of Sub-Processes Improvement in the Organization » Abstract In order to implement the optimization of the critical business processes in the organization, it is necessary to determine whether actual need of improvement exists. This can be done by applying the approach of defining of necessity of improvement of real sub-processes within the business process. To that end, it is necessary the processes to be presented as vectors, building two vectors for each business process – real and target ones. In the present paper an approach, through which it can determine the necessity of improvement of each sub-process within the business process has been presented. The need for developing and implementation of this approach is revealed. It is based to assessment the efficiency of sub-processes which build up business processes. The explanation, how the comparison between targets sub-processes and their corresponding real sub-processes are performed. The essence of functioning of the approach is presented. Algorithm and methodology of calculation of the “absolute goal” for improvement are discussed, through which the necessity of sub-processes improvement is ascertained. » Keywords business process improvement, sub-process, business process optimization, necessity of improvement