This issue of the RECENT journal was edited with the support of: CONTENTS
The Assessment of the Sound Environment in the Workplace: A Lever for Work Quality and Safetyhttps://doi.org/10.31926/RECENT.2019.57.005 Abstract The Noise is an essential component the living environment and working environment except but it constitutes a major nuisance in the professional environment. Exposure to noise in an excessive manner can have adverse effects on the health and safety of workers. The exposure, despite its short duration, is dangerous and can generate for the employee different psychological, physical, behavioural and economic consequences. It can lead to deafness, an irreversible phenomenon. In addition to hearing loss and tinnitus, it is recognized as an initiator of fatigue, physical and psychological stress, decreased attention, concentration and leads to a decline in cognitive performance, or even consequences on the health of the employee and the quality of his work: a drop in productivity and an increase in absenteeism. Moreover, occupational exposure to noise accelerates the process of acquiring presbycusis. This results in human, social and economic costs for the company. As a result, it becomes essential to manage and prevent noise nuisance in companies, objectives of the work. This work aims at evaluating the risks due to noise pollution at a drilling site of the ENAFOR Company, or even manages to draw the sound map of the site. The latter, allows identifying places and workstations most exposed to sound hazards. A questionnaire has also been used in order to identify the impact of noise pollution on the workers and the link with the mapped cartography, or even establish the necessary preventive measures. Keywords assessment, risk, noise pollution, prevention, psycho sociological facts, sound mapping
Device for Precision Cold Shearing Using Bar Torsionhttps://doi.org/10.31926/RECENT.2019.57.014 Abstract The precision cold shearing is a production process used for intermediary parts or even final parts manufacture, from round metal bars or other laminated profiles, obtaining a high dimensional and geometric precision, and higher surface quality in comparison with conventional metal shearing processes. There are well-known two methods of precision cold shearing, by conventional shearing or by material torsion. The precision cold shearing by material torsion is suitable for parts manufactured from metal bars which do not have a round transversal section, or various laminated profiles, where the conventional shearing process is difficult to be implemented and to obtain similar results. In the literature, there is presented a special machine tool for metal bar shearing by material torsion. The disadvantage of this machine tool is that the manufacturing costs for such a machine tool are at a very high level. The paper presents a simple device for metal bar precision cold shearing by material torsion which can be easily implemented using a conventional simple action mechanical or hydraulic press. The device uses the principle of spatial material compression, before the proper shear, using a simple lever system, and it is recommended for precision cold shearing of hard and medium-hard materials. Keywords precision cold shearing, material torsion, spatial material compression, hard and medium-hard metals
Predictive Energy Consumption in Intelligent Buildingshttps://doi.org/10.31926/RECENT.2019.57.022 Abstract In this work we present a novel approach to energy saving in buildings through the identification of the relevant parameters and the application of Soft Computing techniques to generate predictive models of energy consumption in buildings. To verify the feasibility of this proposal, we apply our approach to a reference building for which we have contextual data from a complete year of monitoring. First, we characterize the building in terms of its contextual features and energy consumption, and then select the most appropriate techniques to generate the most accurate model of our reference building charged with estimating the energy consumption, given a concrete set of inputs. Keywords big data, smart buildings, energy consumption, energy efficiency
Study and Research upon Creating a Laboratory for Testing of Doors, Windows and other Wooden Joinerieshttps://doi.org/10.31926/RECENT.2019.57.026 Abstract The paper presents the research studies performed in time in order to achieve a testing laboratory for joinery and furniture products, in view of certifying the quality of these products in Romania. The main installations and integrated systems functioning within the laboratories are pointed out, besides them some details and pictures are used for a better understanding. The achieved and presented installations offer the possibility to determine the strength properties for subassemblies, windows and doors. Furthermore, other installations and systems allow the determination of some physical parameters, such as water and air permeability, resistance to moisture content variation. The documentation of the quality management system was elaborated for this laboratory. The laboratory has accreditation and works under an integrated system with other laboratories from Romania. The laboratory functions in Bucharest and might represent an objective for other factors interested in the domain, due to its experience. Keywords testing stand, doors, windows
Analysis of Material Deposit on HS6-5-2C Drills Cutting Edges at Processing 42CrMo4 Steelhttps://doi.org/10.31926/RECENT.2019.57.032 Abstract At reaming processing by drilling, for small and unique series production there are normally used speed steel drills even if the processed material would require metal-carbide drills. This is also the case of 42CrMo4 steel, used also for gear wheels. Being an alloy steel with chromium and molybdenum its processing poses problems. Because the material deposit on the drill's edge has negative consequences, its analysis becomes relevant. The analysis of material deposit is appropriate in order to minimise its negative consequences or to avoid forming it. Keywords cutting, drilling, material deposit