This issue of the RECENT® journal was edited and multiplied with support of: CONTENTS
Experimental Determination of the Hardness Curves in Deep Carburizing Heat Treatment» Abstract Was achieved an experimental research of influence of carburizing time on hardness and depth. The variation of the carbon content depth, which determines the appearance of the curve of the carbon content (carbon profiles), is revealed for SAE 3310. Determining hardness curves allows setting optimal parameters for carburizing process, eliminating hyper-carburization of the outer layer, and allows a carburizing depth up to 10 mm. After quenching, was necessary to find a solution to reduce the amount of carbon in the normal. This was done by applying an annealing diffusion treatment after carburizing into the atmosphere of carbon potential decreased. The hardness curve demonstrates the necessity of the proposed solution. » Keywords hardness curves, carburizing treatment, carbon potential
Design of an Innovative Kitchen System for People with Physical Disabilities» Abstract Taking into consideration the special needs of people with physical disabilities, this paper presents an innovative design of an adaptive kitchen system. The components of this system are described and an experimental case is considered in order to compare this innovative system with the classical kitchen model. » Keywords adaptive, design, physically disabled people
The Role of Infrastructure in Economic Development» Abstract The role of the business sector in local economic development derives from the fact that businesses, by exploiting local resources and creating new jobs, contribute to the diversification and economic development as well as to the social development of the community. Therefore this article is based on quantitative research carried out by questionnaire-based survey among businesses in Covasna County. The study is aimed to identify the main infrastructure problems in Covasna County, as well as prioritizing action directions for its development in terms of the local business sector. The results of research will be the pillars of the evaluation process regarding infrastructure in Covasna County, providing a tool for those charged with developing and implementing local development plans. » Keywords infrastructure, investments, strategic priorities, economic and social development
Contributions at the Modeling Dimensions of the Gauges by the Wear of this and by the Number of Verified Pieces» Abstract Based on the information’s about the values of the constructive parameters and of the tolerance fields provided by the actual projection standards of the gauges for the control of the cylindrical revolution pieces, both exterior and interior, in the paper it is presented the most adequate mathematical models for the constructive and technological parameters which interfere with the active dimension calculation of the gauges, as well as the method of how it can be optimized the projection methodology by taking in consideration the production batch and the prescribed tolerance field, till the gauge must be replaced. Furthermore, it is presented the adequate mathematical models of admissible wear field depend on the constructive parameters of the gauge and the verified piece. » Keywords gauge, wear, projection, cylindrical piece, standards
Computer Aided Selection of Material Handling Equipment» Abstract Implementing automated material handling system improve the productivity and profitability of a company. Despite these advantages, implementing such a system implies investments thus the increase of the product’s cost. Thus, it is imperative to understand the many aspects related to such a system before purchase one. In the literature there are some principles that should be followed before choosing a material handling system but there are few software designed for this. Present paper present such a software design for choosing the appropriate conveyor system based on the plant facility design and manufacturing system characteristics. » Keywords material handling, manufacturing system, conveyor
Virtual Grade-Sheet Based on Electronic Signature» Abstract Transfer of documents in large institution is always a problem and affects the efficiency and accuracy of the information transfer. In a university there are different types of information that should be transmitted, correlated and took responsibility by signature. The present paper presents an easiest way for this process, the electronic signed documents. » Keywords electronic signature, client application, server application
Medical Recovery System of the Upper Limb Muscles» Abstract Starting from the study of arm and forearm biomechanics the paper presents a device for mobilization and rehabilitation of the upper limb muscles, conceived for patients with a reduced mobility of this limb requiring repetitive motions along the same path but with various intensities. The actuation of this equipment is achieved by linear pneumatic muscles, thus ensuring compliant and self-adaptive behaviour, characteristics due to air compressibility. The equipment described in this paper allows rehabilitation of patients with deficiencies of the upper limb, as well as training of competitive athletes. Due to its simple and cost-efficient construction the equipment is widely affordable and can be used for home exercising, not requiring the presence of a physical therapist. » Keywords muscle rehabilitation, pneumatic muscle, self-adaptability
Stabilization of Quality Cleaning Onion Innovative Way» Abstract The questions the relevance of resource development combined treatment processes produce materials and hardware design with emphasis on quality and safety of products. The existing methods and equipment for purification of vegetable raw materials may reveal their characteristic weaknesses that need removal. It was proved the feasibility of developing and implementing new combined treatment processes produce raw materials and equipment for their implementation in enterprises vegetable processing restaurants and businesses. In present paper it was described the principle of the structure and principle of operation of the machine to clean the onion. The process is that of combined treatment of onion using heat treatment process of steam and subsequent mechanical refining process. The basic indicators were obtained from a combined purification process onion and process parameters that have a significant effect on the percentage of material loss during treatment and percentage of treated bulbs. The rational modes of purification process of onion combined method. » Keywords onions, quality of treatment, the combined process, heat treatment, mechanical purification
Resource-Saving Technology of Raw Milk Recycling» Abstract Resource-saving technologies of dessert product cooking are developed. The necessity of establishing dispersion of air phase of precooked soft ice-cream based on milk whey with addition of vegetable puree is proved. The rational modes of milling process for the new ice cream are defined. » Keywords resource-saving technology, whey, pumpkin, soft ice-cream, dispersion, milling
Energy Simulation of a Solar Thermal System for Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating» Abstract Analyzing the use opportunity of solar heating systems is based on factors such as necessary heat load, solar energy available to the location where it is implemented, auxiliary power capacity, cost of investment and its recovery time, etc. The energy saved in a solar-thermal installation due to solar energy use compared to a conventional thermal installation depends on the climatic conditions of the implementation site, the adopted scheme of installation as well as the solar collector dimensions. This paper proposes the use of a software of building energy simulation (TRNSYS) for modelling of a solar-thermal installations used both for providing hot water and space heating; in this way, it was achieved the energy simulations of a complex system of parallel use of renewable solar energy (solar thermal collectors) and the gas auxiliary source. TRNSYS software allowed the accurate establishing of thermal energy demand of the analyzed building, creating the link between weather data files and building, allowing the introduction of elements that affect indoor air properties (information on solar radiation and the incidence angle, relative humidity and air temperature, and also information on operating programs of the building); the operation modelling of the solar-thermal collectors within an installation, thus taking into account all heat exchange processes that occur during operation. The use of energy simulation programs from the design stage of solar-thermal installation leads to the possibility of identifying optimal solutions in terms of both energy consumption and the comfort parameters, allowing simulation of various scenarios for energy consumption. The use of computer simulations also enables operational behaviour analysis of solar collectors (as part of an installation) and transient analysis of characteristic parameters. » Keywords solar-thermal system, solar energy, building energy simulation, TRNSYS simulation
Pneumatically-Actuated Device for Wrist Rehabilitation» Abstract This paper submits a pneumatically actuated device, which may be used in the continuous passive motion, with a view to rehabilitating the wrist and the metacarpophalangeal joints. This equipment resorts, for actuation purposes, to a pneumatic muscle, which sets in motion the support whereon the palm rests. The palm support is based on the “Fin Ray Effect” concept. The device has been designed for the purpose of rehabilitating the joints of both hands. » Keywords CPM, rehabilitation equipment, palm, pneumatic actuation
Stochastic Modeling Applied for Inventory Optimization in Advanced Production Systems» Abstract Production systems have been lately and still are submitted to a profound changing process, with ascendant dynamics. In the conditions of the development and implementation of modern principles of organization of advanced manufacturing systems, the decisive role of inventory management is demonstrated that ensure continuity in production. Inventory management activity is regarded as a complex process with a large area of application, covering the management problems, dimensioning, optimization and inventory control. Taking into account the influence of the storage process it is necessary to find models and methods for the formation of some inventories, which by volume and structure, should ensure normal performance of the economic activity, but under the minimum necessary storage conditions and expenses as low as possible. This paper aims to develop and implement a methodology to improve the efficiency of production process and presents a stochastic model applied for inventory optimization to the manufacturing process of cylindrical parts. » Keywords production systems, management, mathematical modelling
Art-Market for Cultural Products Having Investment Potential» Abstract Abstract: A development has been noticed in the last years in the art market of Romania from point of view of efficiency obtained, investors’ number and traded amounts. This paper proposes to identify particularities in the art market of Romania in the last decades, market performances and prospects in evolution for the next years. The traced targets are identified by purchase of Romanian art items and their investment prospective. » Keywords art, market, investment, efficiency, prospect
Sequence Logic Modules» Abstract The authors of the inventor certificate provide, to specialists in the field of sequential pneumatic commands, a new method and system, which have the following characteristics: they solve any sequential cycle of pneumatic command; high reliability; easy maintenance and fast repairing; easiness in introducing the additional conditions and afterwards changes; insensitivity to perturbations, satisfying all the practical demands of pneumatic automation. » Keywords command, pneumatics, sequence logic modules
Effect of the Influence of Hydrolyzate of Molluscs on the Oxidation of Vegetable Oil» Abstract Given the results of research of antioxidant properties of the hydrolyzate of molluscs; determined by the induction period the oxidation of sunflower oil and the constant of chain termination, which show the effectiveness of the use of hydrolyzate of molluscs as an inhibitor of oxidation processes. » Keywords oxidation of lipids, oxidation inhibitors, hydrolyzate of molluscs
Investigation of the Influence of Mollusc Hydrolyzate on the Elastic Properties of Wheat and Rye Dough» Abstract Principal trends of improving wheat and rye product technologies have been analysed in the article. The influence of mollusc hydrolyzate on forming structural and mechanical properties of the dough has been studied, namely, the elasticity of wheat-rye dough. According to the results of the study it was concluded that the hydrolyzate of molluscs contributes to enhance the elasticity and decrease the degree of stretch ability dough during mixing, which positively affects the overall gluten-free dough and makes it stronger. » Keywords mollusc hydrolyzate, baked goods, flour, elasticity, tensile
Fittings and Pipelines MAG Tandem Welding» Abstract This paper presents research on the application process Tandem MIG-MAG welding fittings gas pipelines. There were studied the implications of what they produce welding two arcs of the two components of different materials, namely steel X pipe 60 and the reinforcing steel tower. Given the welding joint geometry, welding proposed technology consists of a layer of the root, and then adds layer welding. Welding of root was performed using electric fusion welding process in gas shielded MAG - CMT (Cold Metal Transfer). In addition to welding layer used electric fusion welding process MAG in active shielding gas (CO2), two-electrode wires (TANDEM). When welding the root layer machine used was an automatic welding plant FRONIUS TransPuls Synergic 3200 CMT process variant (Cold Metal Transfer) is Corgon 18 protective gas and filler wire ULTRAMAG, Φ = 1.2 mm. For layer filling the machine with which the experiment was conducted Quinto II welding robot equipped with two power sources, electrode wires used as SG type 3, Φ = 1.2 mm, and CO2 shielding gas. The study resulted metallographic a weld with good penetration into the melt and the results of the hardness tests are imposed. » Keywords pipelines, gas welding protective environment MAG - CMT, fittings for pipelines
Resource Planning in the Development of Maintenance Strategies» Abstract Develop annual maintenance plan is a more difficult task than basic production scheduling as conditionality more extensive. Resource planning for maintenance activities should be clearly correlated with resource planning for the company's production plan. Acceptance of maintenance strategy and within resource planning is carried out by the equipment failure rate and maintenance cost per unit time. This paper supports the integration of resource planning for maintenance activities in the development of maintenance strategy, on one hand, and how their integration in enterprise resource planning, on the other hand. Addressing envisages evolving planning and inventory control that began with MRP system, passing successively through MRP II, then ERP and EERP system currently reaching, extensive planning of resources. » Keywords resource, planning, maintenance
Principles and Stages of New Gripper Systems Development» Abstract The paper presents the stages of developing new, light, eco-friendly and bionic gripper systems. Gripping is achieved by means of original, self-adaptive, bio-inspired systems, with a pneumatic muscle as motion generator. The method underlying the development of these new gripping systems is based on the creation of concepts by analogy, an instrument aimed at widening the inspiration horizon in designing by using models from nature. » Keywords gripping system, pneumatic muscle, biomimetic
Physicochemical Basis for Intensification of the Process of Salting Fish» Abstract The article deals with the physicochemical characteristics of the process of salting fish. A very long duration of salting large fish is the main deterrent to the mechanization and automation of salted fish, which excludes the possibility of creating machines or maintain a continuous on-going process. The transition to the accelerated methods of preservation requires the development of new technology, which would salting proceeded more rapidly, and the quality of the products remained high. These theoretical studies are the basis of the introduction of ultrasound treatment for industrial salted fish in order to reduce energy costs and improve the profitability of fish processing plants. » Keywords ultrasonic, cavitation, salting fish, intensification of the process