This issue of the RECENT® journal was edited and multiplied with support of: CONTENTS
The Plane Motion of the Monowheel Vehicle» Abstract The monowheel vehicle present a number of challenges to the designer and several compromises have to be made in order to develop a functional one-wheeled vehicle. The present paper will detail the motion equations of the monowheel in a plane motion. » Keywords motion, equilibrium, monowheel
A New Approach Regarding Investment Decision in Manufacturing Systems» Abstract This paper aims to conduct a brief presentation, but based on examples, of two different methods of selecting the technological equipment and to provide a completion to the method of selection based on technology influenced costs. The completion reefers to the fact, that the input parameter is not a fixed level of production, but its variation interval. Based on this expansion, the method becomes more realistic, since it is able to respond to what happens when volume production oscillates. A last point is represented by several different assessments on different cost variation in different, but equal, intervals. » Keywords investment, demand, capacity, costs, integration, variable
Estimation Model of the Total Number of Work Cycles at a Press» Abstract In the case of a machine tool, but not only, it is justified to take into consideration the energetic and material consumption corresponding to the whole usable lifetime of it. Relevant are the stages of implementation (execution) and use (operation), but it is also worth to give proper attention to the stages of design and post-use of the machine. If the material consumption excess to achieve the frame is relatively easy to estimate, for the operating energetic consumption, dependent on the total number of work cycles of the press over its usable lifetime and on the level of application appropriate to each work cycle, in the literature, there has not been identified a suitable model yet. This paper presents a model for evaluation of the total number of work cycles for a press, this being absolutely necessary to the evaluation of operational energy consumption. » Keywords press, work cycle, usable lifetime, operating energy, sustainable development
SIM - 3D Software Verification by Feeders Functioning Analysis» Abstract SIM - 3D software was done at Transilvania University of Brasov for casting solidification simulation of alloy that solidifies in a temperature range. There is presented the research conducted by the authors to validate this software. Verification was based on the analysis of feeders operation. To this end, the simulation results were compared with those obtained by the method of real solidification modulus, as well as by casting experimental parts. We analysed the solidification directing in the system feeder - channel - part and the hot spots and shrinkages positions. » Keywords solidification simulation, analysis of feeders operation, solidification modulus
Modelling and Simulation of Pressure Limiting Valve Based on Input and Output Data» Abstract The article presents an original mathematic model of a direct drive pressure limiting valve, establishing the status of each variable as input or output data, respectively, underling the two stages of the valve: before and after opening. It is deduced time and complex mathematical model, and transient behaviour of the valve is analysed after the numeric simulation done in Simulink-Matlab. There are considered the two stages of the valve, before and after opening, highlighting their different frequencies and different upstream pressure and piloting pressure of the spool. » Keywords pressure limiting valve, modelling, simulation
Visual Programming Technique and Virtual Prototyping Technology Used in Civil Engineering» Abstract Building designers face exciting new challenges in incorporating new and innovative technologies in areas of the building structures. In this paper the techniques of 3D modelling and virtual prototyping were applied to create and to develop of virtual models related to the construction process. The 3D models created to support rehabilitation design emerge as an important tool for the monitoring of anomalies in structures and to assist decisions based on the visual analyses of alternative solutions. In this paper was also developed virtual interactive models, showing construction works. These applications allow the visual simulation of the physical progression of each type of work and also assist in the study of the necessary equipment needed and how it functions on site. The introduction of CAD and virtual prototyping technique in civil engineering is helpful to engineers in order to advise them to consider these techniques as important supports, in their professional practice. » Keywords 3D models, innovative design, visual programming technique, virtual prototypes buildings
Energy Efficiency in Refuse Derived Fuel Utilization» Abstract Refuse derived fuel (RDF) derived from municipal solid waste (MSW) is an issue of essential consideration for the sustainable management of the waste-to-energy concept. The policy of waste management in Bulgaria is based on the implementation of leading technologies for waste utilization. In the framework of the recent Programme period 2014-2020 of the European Union, an installation for mechanical and biological treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) have to be constructed in Sofia, which principal product is RDF. Within the same period an installation for RDF derived energy utilization must be implemented at the district heating company "Toplofikacia Sofia EAD", where an electricity and heat cogeneration technology is considered. The present work, aims at obtaining the efficiency of cogeneration in contrast to the conditions of electricity and heat separate production. Thus, the high energy efficiency criterion (ΔF > 10%) was determined, which justifies the choice of the cogeneration technology instead of production of heat only. At present, Toplofikacia Sofia EAD uses mainly natural gas and fuel diversification is required. The implementation of an installation for RDF utilization ensures the fuel diversification for a reasonable period of time, according to the estimated potential of RDF implementation for energy production. » Keywords waste to energy, refuse derived fuel, cogeneration of electricity and heat
Promotion Activity on Educational Market» Abstract The present paper approaches the issue of developing certain promotion programs on the educational market. In this way, the research is based on the results of a marketing research performed upon students attending Industrial Economical Engineering (IEE), a Program study coordinated by the Department of Engineering and Industrial Management, Transilvania University of Brasov. The paper presents a quantitative marketing research, which is aiming at measuring the impact of different promotion activities upon the students, in order to increase the visibility of this Program study among potential candidates. » Keywords promotion activity, marketing research, students, variables
FEM Modelling and Characteristics Research of Cylindrical Journal Bearing for Cone Inertial Crusher / KID-300» Abstract This article presents finite element modeling and simulation analysis of vertical cylindrical journal bearing for cone inertial crusher (KID-300). The research is done through changing different technical and constructive bearing parameters. There is obtained results about pressure distribution and power losses in the bearing. Throughout analysis of those results, determinates the most suitable working regime for the bearing according to minimization of the power loses in the bearing. The presented research method is suitable for examination of bearing behaviour in different working regimes of the crusher. » Keywords cylindrical journal bearing, simulation study, finite element modelling
Improving Technology Transfer Effectiveness of University Research Results» Abstract Research universities worldwide play a leading role in the development of socio-economic dynamic and competitive. The paper aims at establishing priority shift to increase the technology transfer effectiveness of university research results in Romania. Technology transfer materializes the relationship between science and industry and is primarily concerned with the application of research results in economics. The study examines the progress made in USA and European countries towards more effective relations between universities and industries in the field of scientific and technological research and pays particular attention to the technology transfer offices, as an essential node in the transfer network of the research results from university to industry. The study also presents the effectiveness of university research in Romania and proposes a list of measures to improve it. The methodology of the study consists on a systematic analysis of the results and approaching ways of technology transfer from university to economy, based on scientific studies, official reports and universities’ sites. The paper results can be a reference for university in order to improve the process of technology transfer through a policy-driven approach and systematic actions. » Keywords university research, research results, technology transfer, technology transfer office
Analytical Approach and Model for the Formation of Requirements for the Development of the Technical System of Industrial Enterprises» Abstract This paper propose an approach based on the methodology, including model and tools for the implementation of specific activities that lead to a longer service life of the equipment and increasing the efficiency of its exploitation. This is an approach and a model for the formation of the technical requirements for updating and development of production equipment of industrial enterprises. For this purpose is proposed and tools for assessment of technical condition, including physical deterioration, obsolescence innovation, including the possibility for an extension of the service life. » Keywords physical deterioration, obsolescence, residual service life